南非社区志愿者在街区巡逻,打击犯罪。 South African community volunteers patrol neighborhoods intervening in crime.
南非是世界上谋杀率最高的国家之一,当地社区采取非官方的志愿巡逻方式来保护自己和家人。 South Africa, with one of the world's highest murder rates, sees communities resorting to unofficial volunteer patrols in a bid to protect themselves and their families. 这些志愿打击犯罪的战士通常身穿黄色和橙色的高能见度背心,与市警察密切合作,进行拦截和搜查行动,并使用传统的皮鞭来震慑犯罪分子。 These volunteer crime fighters, often wearing yellow and orange hi-vis vests, work closely with municipal police, conducting stop and search operations and using traditional leather whips to deter criminals. 随着谋杀率达到20年来的最高水平,人们对警察的信任度不断下降,这些团体感到他们别无选择,只能保卫自己的社区。 With murder rates at a 20-year high and trust in police diminishing, these groups feel they have no choice but to defend their communities.