诺丁汉剧院上演乔西·怀特的新剧《腐烂》。 Nottingham Playhouse presents Josie White's new play 'Rotten'.
诺丁汉剧院推出了乔西·怀特 (Josie White) 创作的黑色喜剧惊悚片《烂》。 Nottingham Playhouse presents Rotten, a dark comedy-thriller by Josie White. 受到希区柯克、阿加莎·克里斯蒂和《杀死伊芙》的影响,《罗滕》探讨了与年轻人相关的主题,包括生活成本危机、资本主义、心理健康和社交媒体。 Influenced by Hitchcock, Agatha Christie, and Killing Eve, Rotten explores themes relevant to young people, including the cost-of-living crisis, capitalism, mental health, and social media. 该剧讲述了三位苦苦挣扎的女演员以及她们对 Instagram 名人“尊敬的”艾瑞斯·蒙塔古·威利斯 (Iris Montague-Willis) 奢华生活的反应。 The play follows three struggling actresses and their reaction to the opulent life of Instagram celebrity 'The Honourable' Iris Montague-Willis.