路易斯安那州教师反对州长兰德里提出的召开制宪会议重写州宪法的提议,他们担心会议程序和可能出现的错误。 Louisiana teachers oppose Governor Landry's proposal for a constitutional convention to rewrite the state's constitution, citing concerns over process and potential errors.
路易斯安那州的教师们正在反对州长。 Teachers in Louisiana are opposing Gov. 杰夫·兰德里 (Jeff Landry) 提出召开制宪会议的提案,旨在重写州宪法。 Jeff Landry's proposal for a constitutional convention, aiming to rewrite the state's constitution. 路易斯安那州教师联合会已发布反对该计划的请愿书,表示担心该计划进程仓促且可能出现错误。 The Louisiana Federation of Teachers has posted petitions against the plan, citing concerns about the rushed process and the potential for errors. 宪法中现有的保护措施包括K-12学校资金以及教师、校车司机和其他没有社会保障的公职人员的退休保障。 Current protections in the constitution include K-12 school funding and retirement security for teachers, school bus drivers, and other public employees without Social Security coverage.