加州最高法院审理纳税人保护和政府问责法案案件。 California Supreme Court hears case on Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act.
加州最高法院审理了针对纳税人保护和政府问责法案(TPA)的案件,该法案是一项拟议的宪法修正案,旨在恢复该法案中的关键条款。 California Supreme Court hears case against Taxpayer Protection & Government Accountability Act (TPA), a proposed constitutional amendment that aims to restore key provisions of Prop. 13号法案和其他经选民批准的投票措施,赋予纳税人对税收收入的更多控制权。 13 and other voter-approved ballot measures, giving taxpayers more control over tax revenue. 州长纽森和立法机构中的民主党人试图将其从选票中删除。 Governor Newsom and Democrats in the legislature seek to remove it from the ballot. 一旦颁布,TPA将会堵塞漏洞、增强问责制并提高税收支出的透明度。 If enacted, TPA would close loopholes, increase accountability, and enhance transparency in tax spending.