西黑文 I-95 北路发生行人撞伤事件;42 号出口关闭,原因不明。 Pedestrian struck on I-95 North in West Haven, injuries sustained; Exit 42 closed, cause unclear.
周日早上,西黑文 95 号州际公路北段发生一起行人撞击事件,州警察 G 队于凌晨 4 点在 42 号和 43 号出口之间出动。 Pedestrian struck on I-95 North in West Haven on Sunday morning, prompting a state police response from Troop G at 4 AM between Exits 42 and 43. 该行人受伤,42 号出口仍然关闭。 The pedestrian sustained injuries, and Exit 42 remains closed. 95号州际公路现已重新开放。 Interstate 95 has since reopened. 当局建议司机寻找替代路线。 Authorities advise drivers to seek alternate routes. 事件的具体原因,包括行人是否被汽车撞倒,仍不清楚。 The exact cause of the incident, including whether the pedestrian was struck by a car, remains unclear.