2003 年环球小姐大赛冠军拉腊·杜塔 (Lara Dutta) 在母亲节和父亲生日当天庆祝了她获得该称号 24 周年。 2003 Miss Universe winner Lara Dutta celebrates 24th anniversary of her title on Mother's Day and her father's birthday.
印度第二位环球小姐得主、女演员拉腊·杜塔 (Lara Dutta) 于 5 月 12 日庆祝了她获得环球小姐称号的 24 周年,这一天恰逢母亲节和她父亲的生日。 Actress Lara Dutta, India's second Miss Universe winner, celebrated the 24th anniversary of her title on May 12th, marking Mother's Day and her father's birthday. 这位 2003 年环球小姐冠军后来在宝莱坞发展事业,并指导有抱负的模特参加国际选美比赛。 The 2003 Miss Universe winner later pursued a career in Bollywood and mentors aspiring models for international beauty contests. 拉拉 (Lara) 最近主演了网络连续剧《Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond》,该剧改编自改写印度历史的真实事件。 Lara recently starred in the web series 'Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond', based on true events that rewrote India's history.