11 英尺长的鳄鱼阿尔伯特在纽约因许可证过期而被扣押,在健康状况改善后被转移至鳄鱼之乡。 11-ft alligator Albert, seized due to expired permit in NY, relocated to Gator Country with health improvement.
2024 年 3 月,因许可证过期,这只长 11 英尺、重 750 磅的鳄鱼名叫阿尔伯特 (Albert),被从纽约汉堡的一所住宅中抓获,目前在马萨诸塞州接受治疗后,被送往德克萨斯州的鳄鱼乡村冒险公园 (Gator Country Adventure Park)。 11-foot, 750-pound alligator named Albert, seized from a home in Hamburg, New York in March 2024 due to expired permit, is now at Gator Country Adventure Park in Texas after receiving care in Massachusetts. 纽约州禁止进口、持有和出售活体鳄鱼、凯门鳄和鳄鱼,除非持有特别许可证。 New York state bans the import, possession, and sale of live alligators, caimans, and crocodiles, except for those with a special permit. 艾伯特在鳄鱼乡的健康状况明显改善。 Albert showed significant health improvement at Gator Country.