北约克郡夫妇杰克·克雷文和梅根·芬德利因疏忽饲养动物,被禁止饲养动物 7 年;皇家防止虐待动物协会在帐篷里发现死狗和两只饥饿的狗。 North Yorkshire couple, Jake Craven and Megan Findlay, banned from keeping animals for 7 years due to neglect; RSPCA found dead dog in tent, two starving dogs.
由于疏忽饲养动物,北约克郡夫妇杰克·克雷文和梅根·芬德利被禁止饲养动物七年。 North Yorkshire couple, Jake Craven and Megan Findlay, have been banned from keeping animals for seven years due to neglect. 皇家防止虐待动物协会 (RSPCA) 在访问他们家时,在荒地上的帐篷里发现了一只死狗,还有两只饥饿的狗。 The RSPCA found a dead dog in a tent on wasteland and two other starving dogs during a visit to their home. 去年 3 月,皇家防止虐待动物协会 (RSPCA) 和一名住房协会官员向它们提供了重新安置的帮助。 They were offered help with rehoming by the RSPCA and a housing association officer in March last year. 这对夫妇承认违反了《2006 年动物福利法》的两项罪名。 The couple pleaded guilty to two offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.