迈克尔·科恩在特朗普封口费案审判中作证。 Michael Cohen testifies in Trump's hush-money trial.
特朗普前私人律师迈克尔科恩将于周一开始在针对前总统唐纳德特朗普的封口费审判中作证。 Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal attorney, is set to testify in the hush-money trial against ex-president Donald Trump, beginning Monday. 预计科恩将详细说明如何伪造记录以掩盖和购买成人电影明星 Stormy Daniels 的故事。 Cohen is expected to detail how records were falsified to cover up and purchase adult film star Stormy Daniels' story. 检方指控,特朗普向科恩偿还丹尼尔斯的13万美元的行为存在欺诈。 The prosecution alleges that Trump's reimbursement of Cohen for the $130,000 payment to Daniels was fraudulent. 科恩的证词至关重要,因为它可能会推翻或证明特朗普的主张。 Cohen's testimony is crucial as it may break or make the Trump's case.