Wedbush 将 Alight 的目标价从 14.00 美元下调至 12.00 美元,而其他分析师则维持不同的评级。 Alight's price target reduced from $14.00 to $12.00 by Wedbush, while other analysts maintain varying ratings.
Wedbush 将 Alight (NYSE:ALIT) 的目标价从 14.00 美元下调至 12.00 美元,而其他分析师也发布了具有不同目标价和评级的报告。 Alight's (NYSE:ALIT) price target has been reduced from $14.00 to $12.00 by Wedbush, while other analysts have also issued reports with varied price targets and ratings. 周三交易前,该公司股价下跌至 9.29 美元。 The company's shares gapped down to $9.29 prior to trading on Wednesday. Wedbush 维持“跑赢大盘”评级,KeyCorp 给予“增持”评级,瑞银集团给予“买入”评级,Needham & Company LLC 也对 Alight 给予“买入”评级。 Wedbush maintains an "outperform" rating, KeyCorp set an "overweight" rating, UBS Group gave a "buy" rating, and Needham & Company LLC also set a "buy" rating on Alight.