78 岁的喜剧演员、“美国最风趣的男人”詹姆斯·哈罗德·格雷戈里二世因心脏并发症去世。 78-year-old comedian James Harold Gregory Jr., "The Funniest Man in America," passed away due to cardiac complications.
被誉为“美国最风趣的男人”的78岁喜剧演员詹姆斯·哈罗德·格雷戈里二世因心脏并发症去世。 78-year-old comedian James Harold Gregory Jr., known as "The Funniest Man in America", passed away due to cardiac complications. 格雷戈里出生于佐治亚州利松尼亚,是美国东南部著名的喜剧演员,在俱乐部和剧院表演。 Born in Lithonia, Georgia, Gregory was a prominent comedian in the southeastern US, performing in clubs and theaters. 他还曾参加过 John Boy & Billy、Rick & Bubba 和 Bob & Tom 等广播节目。 He also appeared on radio programs like John Boy & Billy, Rick & Bubba, and Bob & Tom. 他的自传《一蒲式耳豆子和一配克西红柿:‘美国最有趣的人’的生活和时代》预计将于 2024 年 11 月出版。 His autobiography, "A Bushel of Beans and a Peck of Tomatoes: The Life and Times of 'The Funniest Man in America'", is set for publication in November 2024.