拉尔夫·尹爱森 (Ralph Ineson) 在即将上映的漫威电影《神奇四侠》中饰演 Galactus。 Ralph Ineson cast as Galactus in the upcoming "Fantastic Four" Marvel film.
拉尔夫·尹爱森 (Ralph Ineson) 因在《办公室》、《权力的游戏》和《哈利·波特》中的角色而闻名,他已确认将在即将上映的漫威电影宇宙电影《神奇四侠》中饰演行星吞噬者。 Ralph Ineson, known for his roles in "The Office," "Game of Thrones," and "Harry Potter," has confirmed his casting as Galactus in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film, "Fantastic Four." 《神奇四侠》重启版尚未收到漫威影业的任何官方评论,其主要反派将为行星吞噬者。 The Fantastic Four reboot, which has yet to see any official comment from Marvel Studios, will feature Galactus as its main villain. 伊内森加入了日益壮大的演员名单,其中包括已宣布出演该片的佩德罗·帕斯卡、凡妮莎·柯比和约瑟夫·奎因。 Ineson joins a growing list of cast members, including Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, and Joseph Quinn, who have been announced for the film.