Wave Life Sciences 任命 Erik Ingelsson 博士为 CSO。 Wave Life Sciences appoints Dr. Erik Ingelsson as CSO.
Wave Life Sciences Ltd. 是一家专注于 RNA 药物的临床阶段生物科技公司,任命 Erik Ingelsson 博士为新任首席科学官。 Wave Life Sciences Ltd., a clinical-stage biotech company focused on RNA medicines, appoints Dr. Erik Ingelsson as new Chief Scientific Officer. Ingelsson 博士曾任葛兰素史克公司高级副总裁,他将推动公司的治疗组合战略,并利用他在遗传学和药物研发方面的专业知识。 Dr. Ingelsson, previously Senior VP at GSK, will drive the company's therapeutic portfolio strategy and leverage his expertise in genetics and drug discovery. 他在代谢疾病和靶点发现方面的经验将有助于推进 Wave 释放 RNA 药物潜力的使命。 His experience in metabolic diseases and target discovery will help advance Wave's mission of unlocking the potential of RNA medicines.