OpenAI 推出了 Model Spec,这是一份草案文件,重点关注其 API 和 ChatGPT 中的 AI 模型行为,旨在提高透明度。 OpenAI introduces Model Spec, a draft document focusing on AI model behavior in its API and ChatGPT, aiming to improve transparency.
OpenAI 发布了 Model Spec,这是一份草案文件,重点关注其 API 和 ChatGPT 中的 AI 模型行为。 OpenAI unveils Model Spec, a draft document focusing on AI model behavior in its API and ChatGPT. 该计划旨在提高透明度,概述人工智能模型如何在语气和长度方面响应用户输入。 The initiative aims to improve transparency, outlining how AI models respond to user inputs in terms of tone and length. OpenAI 强调其模型从数据中学习,并且塑造其行为至关重要,因为它们不是明确编程的。 OpenAI stresses its models learn from data, and shaping their behavior is crucial as they're not explicitly programmed.