Oakleaf Group 以 300 万英镑收购了库克斯敦的 Central Inn,将其改造成“40 Thieves”酒吧并打造了 23 套服务式公寓。 Oakleaf Group acquires Central Inn, Cookstown, for £3m, transforming it into 'The 40 Thieves' pub and creating 23 serviced apartments.
Oakleaf Group 收购了库克斯敦的 Central Inn,这是其在中阿尔斯特地区 300 万英镑投资的一部分。 Oakleaf Group acquires the Central Inn in Cookstown, part of a £3m investment in Mid-Ulster. 该场馆将被改造成一家爱尔兰裔美国酒吧“The 40 Thieves”。 The venue will be transformed into 'The 40 Thieves', an Irish American pub. 作为“市中心生活”计划的一部分,主街酒吧的上方和后方将建造 23 套新的服务式公寓。 23 new serviced apartments will be created above and behind the Main Street bar, as part of a 'town centre living' initiative. 40 Thieves 预计将于今年 7 月开业,第一期公寓将于 6 月建成。 The 40 Thieves is set to open this July, with the first phase of apartments due in June.