垃圾车与摩托车在东兰开夏路相撞,道路封闭,紧急服务,公交车改道。 Bin lorry and motorcycle crash on East Lancashire Road, closure, emergency services, diverted buses.
东兰开夏路因垃圾车与摩托车相撞而关闭;警察、救护车和消防人员到场。 East Lancashire Road closed due to crash between bin lorry and motorcycle; police, ambulance, and fire crews present. 事故于 5 月 9 日上午 6:35 发生在 Moorgate Road 和 M57 岔路之间,导致东西向车道关闭。 The incident occurred on May 9, at 6:35 am, between Moorgate Road and the M57 slip road, causing east and westbound carriageway closures. 紧急救援人员正在赶赴现场,当地公交服务已改道。 Emergency services are attending the scene and local bus services have been diverted. 受伤程度尚不清楚。 Injury extent remains unknown.