位于湖区雷里格路的沃克斯豪尔 Corsa 汽车被盗,车内物品被盗。 Vauxhall Corsa on Rayrigg Road, Lake District, was broken into and items stolen.
警方正在调查湖区鲍内斯市雷里格路发生的汽车入室盗窃案:4 月 21 日下午 6:30 至 7:30 期间,一辆橙色沃克斯豪尔 Corsa 被盗,车内物品被盗。 Police investigate car break-in on Rayrigg Road, Bowness in Lake District: An orange Vauxhall Corsa was broken into and items were stolen between 6:30pm and 7:30pm on 21 April. 作为调查的一部分,一名男子的闭路电视图像已被公布,任何掌握信息或能够识别该男子的人请在线举报 www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it,并注明 2024 年 4 月 21 日的事件编号 206。 CCTV images of a man have been released as part of the investigation, and anyone with information or who can identify the man is asked to report online at www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it, quoting incident number 206 of 21 April 2024.