怀蒂昂格水道 (Whitianga Waterways),由 Hopper Developments 开发。 Whitianga Waterways, developed by Hopper Developments.
惠蒂昂格水道 (Whitianga Waterways) 是科罗曼德尔半岛上一个繁荣的沿海社区,提供顶级的运河生活和多样化的房产选择。 Whitianga Waterways, a thriving coastal community on Coromandel Peninsula, offers premier canal living with a diverse range of property options. 该地区由 Hopper Developments 开发,拥有私人码头,可供船只安全停泊,全年提供划船活动以及各种水上探险活动。 Developed by Hopper Developments, the area boasts private jetties for secure vessel berthing, year-round boating activities, and a variety of aquatic adventures. 这个豪华且交通便利的地区将为追求典型新西兰生活方式的居民提供独特的、无与伦比的体验。 The luxurious, accessible area promises a unique, unparalleled experience for residents seeking the quintessential Kiwi lifestyle.