5.2% 的桑坦德银行便捷储蓄账户利率下调至 4.2%。 5.2% Santander easy-access savings account rate is cut to 4.2%.
储蓄警告:最佳购买账户正在被更低利率所取代。 Savings warning: Best-buy accounts are being replaced with lower interest rates. Investec Bank 的研究发现,2023 年 10 月至 11 月期间,排名前 50 位的即时访问储蓄账户中有 5 个被关闭,6 个被替换,且收益较低。 Research by Investec Bank found that five of the top 50 instant access savings accounts were closed and six replaced with lower returns between Oct-Nov 2023. 桑坦德银行将于 5 月 20 日将其 5.2% 的易于存取储蓄账户利率下调至 4.2%。 Santander is cutting its 5.2% easy-access savings account rate to 4.2% on May 20. 著名金融专家马丁·刘易斯 (Martin Lewis) 建议桑坦德银行的客户将资金转移到其他地方,因为其他账户的利率更低于新利率。 Martin Lewis, a prominent financial expert, advises Santander customers to move their money elsewhere, as the new rate is beatable by other accounts.