34 岁的杰森·戴维·戴维斯 (Jason David Davis) 因违反联邦债券规定而被通缉,最初被指控犯有串谋散发管制物质罪,目前他正在西弗吉尼亚州接受美国法警署的通缉。 34-year-old Jason David Davis, wanted for federal bond violations and originally charged with Conspiracy to Distribute Controlled Substances, is sought by the US Marshals Service in West Virginia.
美国法警署正在寻求公众帮助,寻找 34 岁的杰森·戴维·戴维斯 (Jason David Davis),他因违反联邦债券规定而被通缉,最初被指控犯有共谋散发管制物质罪。 The US Marshals Service is seeking public help to locate 34-year-old Jason David Davis, wanted for federal bond violations and originally charged with Conspiracy to Distribute Controlled Substances. 他与伦道夫县、巴伯县、莫农加利亚县和哈里森县都有联系。 He has ties to Randolph County, Barbour County, Monongalia County, and Harrison County. 戴维斯身高 6 英尺 4 英寸,体重 200 磅,淡褐色眼睛,棕色头发。 Davis is 6'4", 200 lbs, with hazel eyes and brown hair. 如有任何信息,请拨打 304-623-0486 或联系 911 寻求紧急帮助。 Call 304-623-0486 with any information or contact 911 for immediate help.