生物分析咨询公司 A4P 因其在国际贸易方面的卓越表现荣获英国国王企业奖。 Bioanalytical consultancy A4P receives a King's Award for Enterprise in the UK for international trade excellence.
生物分析和生物样本咨询公司 A4P 荣获英国国王企业奖,以表彰其卓越的国际贸易表现。 A4P, a bioanalytical and biosample consultancy, receives a King's Award for Enterprise in the UK, recognizing their exceptional international trade performance. 在252个组织中,A4P因其在创新、可持续发展和社会流动性方面所做的工作而受到表彰。 Among 252 organizations, A4P is commended for their work in innovation, sustainable development, and social mobility. 国王企业奖是英国享有盛誉的商业奖项,旨在表彰杰出的英国公司,今年已是第 58 周年。 The King's Awards for Enterprise, a prestigious UK business accolade, celebrates its 58th year of honoring outstanding British companies.