56年来频频发生的学生抗议事件凸显美国教育质量的下降。 56-year recurring student protests highlight the declining American education quality.
美国教育的衰退对国家安全构成了威胁,因为许多毕业生缺乏公民、历史和政治智慧的基本知识。 The decay of American education poses a national security threat, as many graduates lack basic knowledge of civics, history, and political wisdom. 学生抗议活动让人想起56年前的类似事件。 Student protests are reminiscent of similar events from 56 years ago. 自 1940 年以来,高等教育不断扩大,但有人认为,高等教育已丧失了声望,毕业生缺乏成为明智公民所需的基本知识。 Higher education has expanded since 1940, but some argue that prestige has been lost, and graduates lack the fundamental knowledge needed for informed citizenship.