以色列以安全问题和煽动为由下令关闭半岛电视台当地办事处。 Israel ordered Al Jazeera's local offices closed, citing security concerns and incitement.
在卡塔尔半岛电视台与哈马斯进行停火谈判之际,以色列周日下令关闭其在当地的办事处,此举加剧了以色列与这家总部位于卡塔尔的新闻网络的长期不和。 Israel ordered Al Jazeera's local offices to close on Sunday, escalating its long-standing feud with the Qatar-based news network as Doha mediates cease-fire negotiations with Hamas. 以色列政府指责半岛电视台危害以色列安全并煽动反对士兵。 The Israeli government accused Al Jazeera of harming Israel's security and inciting against soldiers. 半岛电视台谴责此举,称其为“犯罪行为”和“危险而荒谬的谎言”,使其记者面临风险。 Al Jazeera denounced the move, calling it a "criminal act" and a "dangerous and ridiculous lie" that puts its journalists at risk.