美食拖车“Chillicoffee”在奇利科西首次亮相,供应陈年啤酒和果汁。 Food trailer "Chillicoffee" debuts in Chillicothe, serving vintage brews and fruit juices.
新的美食拖车“Chillicoffee”在奇利科西首次亮相,提供陈年啤酒和果汁。 New food trailer "Chillicoffee" debuts in Chillicothe, offering vintage brews and fruit juices. 该拖车于 5 月 3 日试营业,主人林西 (Linsey) 感谢她丈夫为其命名,并计划参加 Gus Macker 和 Feast of the Flowering Moon 等当地活动,并在附近城市宣传奇利科西。 Soft-opened on May 3, the trailer's owner Linsey credits her husband for naming it and plans to attend local events like Gus Macker and Feast of the Flowering Moon, as well as promoting Chillicothe in nearby cities. 所有饮品名称均取自二战俚语,“Chillicoffee”的联系电话为(702)848-3838。 All drink names are based on WWII slang, and "Chillicoffee" can be reached at (702) 848-3838.