大卫·帕斯特纳克在加时赛中的进球确保波士顿棕熊队在第 7 场比赛中以 2-1 战胜多伦多枫叶队,晋级 NHL 季后赛第二轮。 David Pastrnak's overtime goal secured Boston Bruins' 2-1 victory over Toronto Maple Leafs in Game 7, advancing to the NHL playoffs' second round.
大卫·帕斯特纳克在加时赛中打入致胜一球,带领波士顿棕熊队在第 7 场比赛中以 2-1 击败多伦多枫叶队,确保了他们在 NHL 季后赛第二轮的席位。 David Pastrnak scored the winning goal in overtime, leading the Boston Bruins to a 2-1 victory over the Toronto Maple Leafs in Game 7, securing their place in the second round of the NHL playoffs. 帕斯特纳克的进球出现在加时赛 1 分 54 秒,由汉普斯·林德霍姆助攻,帮助棕熊队晋级,尽管他们的最佳射手帕斯特纳克的得分处于低迷状态。 Pastrnak's goal came at 1:54 into overtime, with a feed from Hampus Lindholm, and helped the Bruins advance despite their top scorer, Pastrnak, being in a scoring slump. 棕熊队将在下一轮比赛中对阵佛罗里达黑豹队。 The Bruins will now face the Florida Panthers in the next round.