德雷克的新歌《家庭事务》批评了肯德里克·拉马尔的激进主义和个人生活,指控其存在家庭暴力。 Drake's new song "Family Matters" critiques Kendrick Lamar's activism and personal life, alleging domestic violence.
德雷克的新歌“Family Matters”针对的是肯德里克·拉马尔,歌词涉及了肯德里克的激进主义、个人生活以及在音乐界的人际关系。 Drake's new song "Family Matters" targets Kendrick Lamar, with lyrics addressing Kendrick's activism, personal life, and relationships within the music industry. 德雷克质疑肯德里克的激进主义、他与其他艺术家的联系,并指控他存在家庭暴力。 Drake questions Kendrick's activism, his connections with other artists, and alleges domestic violence. 这首歌还提到了肯德里克的音乐和合作,同时暗示两位艺术家之间的问题应该得到解决。 The track also references Kendrick's music and collaborations, while implying the issues between the two artists should be resolved.