Adobe Express 是一款免费的在线编辑工具,为英国中小型企业提供视觉营销功能。 Adobe Express, a free online editing tool, provides visual marketing features for small and medium UK businesses.
Adobe Express 是一款免费的在线编辑工具,提供专业设计的模板和 AI 生成的视觉效果等功能,帮助企业增强其营销和销售材料。 Adobe Express, a free online editing tool, offers features like professionally-designed templates and AI-generated visuals for businesses to enhance their marketing and sales materials. 传输到大脑的信息中有 90% 是视觉信息,使用强大的视觉信息可以比文本处理速度快 60,000 倍,并且比文本在三天后更容易被回忆起来。 With 90% of information transmitted to the brain being visual, using powerful visuals can process 60,000 times faster than text and be recalled three days later more than text. 该工具非常适合占英国商业人口 99.9% 的中小型企业。 This tool is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses which make up 99.9% of the UK's business population.