因饰演卢克·天行者而闻名的马克·哈米尔对拜登总统表示赞赏。 Mark Hamill, known for his role as Luke Skywalker, praised President Biden.
因在《星球大战》中饰演卢克·天行者而闻名的传奇演员马克·哈米尔在与拜登总统会晤后出席了白宫的新闻发布会,令媒体感到惊讶。 Acting legend Mark Hamill, known for his role as Luke Skywalker in 'Star Wars', surprised media at the White House by joining a press briefing after meeting President Biden. 此次访问之后,拜登被称为“乔·比万·克诺比”。 Biden has been referred to as "Joe-bi-Wan Kenobi" following the visit. 哈米尔称赞拜登是他一生中立法最成功的总统,并强调了两党基础设施法、PACT法案和芯片法案。 Hamill praised Biden as the most legislatively successful president in his lifetime, highlighting the Bipartisan Infrastructure law, PACT Act, and Chips Act.