佛罗里达州夫妇伦纳德 (Leonard) 和多洛雷斯 (Dolores) 莱佐特 (Lezott) 因肢体冲突而被捕,据称他们有暴力行为,多洛雷斯被控殴打一名 65 岁以上的人,伦纳德则被控殴打一名 65 岁以上的人。 Florida couple Leonard and Dolores Lezott were arrested for a physical altercation with a history of alleged violence, with Dolores charged for battery and Leonard for battery on a 65+ person.
4 月 29 日,佛罗里达州一对夫妇伦纳德 (Leonard) 和多洛雷斯·莱佐特 (Dolores Lezott) 在家中发生争执后发生肢体冲突,随后被捕。 A Florida couple, Leonard and Dolores Lezott, were arrested on April 29 after a physical altercation during an argument at their home. 据称,两人之间都有过暴力行为,但并未发现身体受伤的情况。 Both have a history of alleged violence between them, but no physical injuries were observed. 66 岁的多洛雷斯被指控第二次或后续殴打罪名,目前仍在监狱中,而 64 岁的伦纳德被指控殴打 65 岁以上的人,在被拘留 23.5 小时后获释。 Dolores, 66, was charged with battery-2nd or subsequent offense and remains in jail, while Leonard, 64, was charged with battery on a person 65 or over and was released after 23.5 hours in custody.