来自 23 个国家的 75 名选举官员访问印度。 75 election officials from 23 countries visit India.
来自不丹、澳大利亚、俄罗斯等 23 个国家的 75 名选举官员将在印度正在进行的人民院选举期间访问印度,观察和学习印度的选举制度和最佳做法。 75 election officials from 23 countries, including Bhutan, Australia, and Russia, will visit India during its ongoing Lok Sabha polls to observe and learn from India's electoral system and best practices. 这是印度选举委员会首次举办如此规模的活动,将于5月4日至5月9日举行。 This is the first event of such scale, organized by India's Election Commission, running from May 4 to May 9. 代表们将访问六个州,观察选举和相关准备工作。 The delegates will visit six states to observe polls and related preparations.