凯里集团报告称,由于高通胀,第一季度收入下降 9.9%,但宣布回购 3 亿欧元的股票。 Kerry Group reports 9.9% Q1 revenue drop due to high inflation, but announces €300m share buyback.
大型食品公司凯里集团 (Kerry Group) 报告称,由于高通胀时期消费需求低迷,其第一季度收入下降了 9.9%。 Kerry Group, a major food company, reported a 9.9% drop in Q1 revenues due to subdued consumer demand during high inflation periods. 尽管如此,该公司的 EBITDA 利润率仍然增加了 140 个基点,并宣布了 3 亿欧元的股票回购计划。 Despite this, the company's EBITDA margin increased by 140 basis points, with a €300m share buyback program announced. 口味与营养部门的销量有所增长,而考虑到市场动态,首席执行官 Edmond Scanlon 对今年的开局表示满意。 The Taste & Nutrition division saw volume growth, while CEO Edmond Scanlon expressed satisfaction with the start of the year, considering market dynamics.