2003-2004 年阿布格莱布军事承包商审判法官怀疑陪审团经过 7 天的审议后不会做出判决。 2003-2004 Abu Ghraib military contractor trial judge suspects no verdict after 7 days of jury deliberation.
阿布格莱布审判案的法官推测陪审团经过 7 天的审议后可能无法达成裁决。 Judge in Abu Ghraib trial speculates jury may not reach a verdict after 7 days of deliberation. 此次审判涉及一名军事承包商,他被指控二十年前参与了伊拉克阿布格莱布监狱的虐待囚犯行为。 The trial involves a military contractor accused of contributing to detainee mistreatment at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq two decades ago. 三名前被拘留者起诉了承包商 CACI,该公司在 2003 年至 2004 年间为当地提供审讯人员。 Three former detainees sued the contractor, CACI, which supplied civilian interrogators in 2003-2004. 这一全球性丑闻于 2004 年曝光,照片显示美国士兵在监狱中对裸体囚犯实施身体和性羞辱惩罚。 The worldwide scandal emerged in 2004 from photos showing US soldiers inflicting physical and sexually humiliating punishments on naked detainees at the prison.