46岁女司机和34岁男乘客被捕。 46-year-old female driver and 34-year-old male passenger arrested.
上周,在拉克杜博内皇家海军基地实施的一次交通拦截导致一名 46 岁的女司机和一名 34 岁的男乘客被捕。 Last week, a traffic stop in the RM of Lac du Bonnet led to the arrest of a 46-year-old female driver and a 34-year-old male passenger. 对该车辆的搜查结果显示,警方查获了可卡因和非法大麻。 A search of the vehicle resulted in the seizure of cocaine and illegal cannabis. 随后,警方在对拉克杜博内特一处住宅的调查和搜查中发现了更多的毒品、现金以及与毒品有关的用具。 A subsequent investigation and search warrant execution at a residence in Lac du Bonnet revealed additional drugs, cash, and drug-related paraphernalia.