第五巡回上诉法院推翻了 IBM 在与 BMC Software 的纠纷中裁定的 16 亿美元损害赔偿裁决。 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overturns IBM's $1.6bn damages award in dispute with BMC Software.
第五巡回上诉法院推翻了 IBM 在与 BMC Software 的纠纷中做出的 16 亿美元损害赔偿裁决。 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overturns $1.6bn damages award against IBM in dispute with BMC Software. 法院裁定,IBM 并未违反禁止其鼓励共享客户转用其产品的协议。 The court ruled that IBM did not breach an agreement prohibiting it from encouraging shared clients to switch to its products. 共同的客户 AT&T 在没有受到不公平影响的情况下独立做出了转向 IBM 软件的决定。 AT&T, a mutual client, made the decision to switch to IBM's software independently without unfair influence. 原判决认为 IBM 违反了合同,但该判决已被推翻。 The original judgment, which found IBM in breach of contract, has been overturned.