科学家发现肠道细菌中的酶可以将 A/B 型血转化为普遍兼容的 O 型血,从而有可能解决血液短缺问题并提高输血安全性。 Scientists discover enzymes from gut bacteria to convert blood groups A/B to universally compatible O, potentially addressing blood shortages and improving transfusion safety.
丹麦技术大学和瑞典隆德大学的科学家发现了肠道细菌中的酶,可以将 A 型血和 B 型血转化为普遍兼容的 O 型血。 Scientists at Denmark's Technical University and Lund University in Sweden discovered enzymes from gut bacteria that can convert blood from groups A and B into universally compatible group O. 这一突破可以解决血液短缺问题并提高输血安全性。 This breakthrough could address blood shortages and improve blood transfusion safety. 在该方法用于临床实践之前,还需要进一步研究以了解潜在问题并确保其有效性和安全性。 Further research is required to understand potential issues and ensure the method's efficacy and safety before it can be used in clinical practice.