詹姆斯·卡维尔批评年轻选民不支持拜登。 James Carville criticizes young voters for not supporting Biden.
民主党战略家詹姆斯·卡维尔嘲笑那些不支持总统乔·拜登的年轻选民,称“你这个该死的 26 岁小家伙”,并警告说,如果唐纳德·特朗普重返白宫,将“不再有权利”,人们将生活在“基督教神权政治”之下。 Democratic strategist James Carville mocked young voters who are not supporting President Joe Biden, saying "You little f*cking 26-year-old" and warning that if Donald Trump returns to the White House, there would be "no rights left" and people would live under a "Christian theocracy." 卡维尔发表上述言论之际,民意调查显示,年轻的民主党选民并没有勇气在 11 月投票给拜登。 Carville's comments come as polling shows younger Democratic voters are not feeling emboldened to cast their ballot for Biden in November.