33 岁的塔克姆·拉沙德·摩尔 (Takeem Rshaad Moore) 被指控在克莱顿县谋杀其祖母,于北卡罗来纳州本科姆被捕。 33-year-old Takeem Rshaad Moore, accused of murdering his grandmother in Clayton County, was arrested in Bencome, North Carolina.
33 岁的塔克姆·拉沙德·摩尔 (Takeem Rshaad Moore) 被指控在克莱顿县谋杀了他的祖母,他在北卡罗来纳州本科姆被捕,健康检查发现这名老年妇女脸部、颈部和身体受伤。 33-year-old Takeem Rshaad Moore, accused of murdering his grandmother in Clayton County, was apprehended in Bencome, North Carolina, after a wellness check found the elderly woman with injuries to her face, neck, and body. 摩尔被美国政府指控犯有恶意谋杀、严重殴打和严重家庭暴力袭击罪。 Moore was charged with malice murder, aggravated battery, and aggravated assault family violence after the U.S. 法警和本康姆县治安官办公室协助逮捕了他。 Marshals and Bencome County Sheriff's Office assisted in his arrest.