28 岁的澳大利亚亿万富翁推出了 Kick,这是一项基于加密货币的直播服务,由热门直播主罗斯主播主持。 28-year-old Australian billionaires launch Kick, a cryptocurrency-based livestreaming service featuring popular livestreamer Ross.
28 岁的澳大利亚亿万富翁爱德华·克雷文 (Edward Craven) 和他的商业伙伴比扬·特赫拉尼 (Bijan Tehrani) 继成功推出接受加密货币的在线赌场之后,于 2022 年底推出了直播服务 Kick。 28-year-old Australian billionaire Edward Craven and his business partner Bijan Tehrani launched Kick, a livestreaming service in late 2022, following their success with an online casino accepting cryptocurrency. Kick 的特色是受欢迎的现场主播 Ross,他拥有成千上万的观众收看他的游戏、赌博、聊天和恶作剧。 Kick features popular livestreamer Ross, who has tens of thousands of viewers tuning in to watch him game, gamble, chat, and play pranks. 评论家称《Kick》是“堕落者的游乐场”。 Critics call Kick a "playground for degenerates."