KK Mart 创始人 Chai Kee Kan 和妻子因销售真主袜子而故意伤害宗教情感而面临指控。 KK Mart founder Chai Kee Kan and wife face charges for intentionally wounding religious feelings over Allah socks sale.
KK Mart 创办人 Chai Kee Kan 夫妇将向总检察长办公室提交一份陈述书,以回应因出售印有“真主”字样的袜子而故意伤害宗教感情的指控。 KK Mart founder Chai Kee Kan and his wife will submit a representation to the Attorney General's Chambers in response to charges of intentionally wounding religious feelings over the sale of socks bearing the word "Allah". 他们和两名董事将面临《刑法》的指控,一旦罪名成立,可能被判处一年监禁或罚款。 They and two directors face charges under the Penal Code, with a possible one-year prison sentence or fine if convicted. 法院已定于 6 月 10 日进行案件管理。 The court has set June 10 for case management.