前 AFL 球员 Sam Fisher 承认犯有六项毒品罪名,包括贩毒,面临 5 年以上监禁;宣判时间为 5 月 16 日。 Former AFL player Sam Fisher admitted to six drug offenses, including trafficking, facing over 5 years in jail; sentencing on May 16.
前 AFL 明星萨姆·费舍尔 (Sam Fisher) 曾为圣基尔达队打过 228 场比赛,他承认犯有六项毒品犯罪,包括贩卖甲基苯丙胺和可卡因,面临五年以上的监禁。 Former AFL star Sam Fisher, who played 228 games for St Kilda, admitted to six drug offenses, including trafficking methamphetamine and cocaine, and faces more than five years in jail. 费舍尔 34 岁退休后,生活开始急转直下,就业、财务和房地产开发等方面的困境导致他开始吸毒。 Fisher's life spiraled after retiring at 34, with struggles in employment, finances, and property development leading to drug abuse. 他的律师主张将改造作为量刑的主要目标,Fisher 的刑期将于 5 月 16 日确定。 His lawyer argues for rehabilitation as a major sentencing objective, and Fisher's sentencing will be determined on May 16.