亚述主教马尔·马里·伊曼纽尔 (Mar Mari Emmanuel) 在布道期间发生刺伤事件后呼吁澳大利亚终止网络审查。 Assyrian Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel calls for end to online censorship in Australia following stabbing during sermon.
在一次直播布道中被刺伤的亚述主教马尔·马里·伊曼纽尔 (Mar Mari Emmanuel) 呼吁澳大利亚终止网络审查,称这违背了正直、道德和民主的原则。 Assyrian Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who was stabbed during a live-streamed sermon, has called for an end to online censorship in Australia, saying it goes against the principles of integrity, morality, and democracy. 这位主教于四月份遭到一名 16 岁男孩的袭击,他在圣枝主日带着右眼上的白色眼罩重返讲道坛,显得十分激动。 The bishop, who was attacked by a 16-year-old boy in April, made an emotional return to his pulpit on Palm Sunday, wearing a white eyepatch over his right eye. 他敦促政府保护言论自由,并批评总理安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯对此事的处理。 He urged the government to protect free speech and criticized Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's handling of the situation.