一名男子因在赫尔的马尔姆街谋杀未遂而被捕,当时,一名女子被发现身受致命刀伤。 A man was arrested for attempted murder in Hull's Malm Street, where a woman with life-threatening stab wounds was found.
在赫尔的马尔姆街发现一名身上有危及生命的刀伤的女子后,一名男子因涉嫌谋杀未遂而被逮捕。 A man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a woman with life-threatening stab wounds was found in Hull's Malm Street. 警察和救护车赶到了现场,并将该女子送往医院。 Police and ambulance services attended the scene, and the woman was taken to the hospital. 目前,嫌疑人已被拘留,调查仍在继续。侦缉警长汉娜·麦克皮克 (Hannah McPeake) 表示,该事件似乎是孤立事件,不会对公众构成威胁。 The suspect is currently held in custody as the investigation continues, and Detective Inspector Hannah McPeake stated that the incident appears to be isolated and not a threat to the public.