贾斯汀·比伯在 Instagram 上分享了泪流满面的照片,引发婚姻危机猜测。 Justin Bieber shared tearful photos on Instagram, prompting marriage crisis speculation.
贾斯汀·比伯在 Instagram 上分享了感人泪下的照片,引发人们对他与海莉·比伯的婚姻可能出现危机的猜测。 Justin Bieber shared emotional tears-filled photos on Instagram, sparking speculation about a potential crisis in his marriage to Hailey Bieber. 这位歌手分享了一系列照片,其中两张他似乎在哭泣。 The singer shared a series of images, including two where he appeared to be crying. 他的妻子海莉在帖子下评论道:“哭得真漂亮。” His wife Hailey commented on the post, "A pretty crier." 自 2015 年开始约会以来,贾斯汀和海莉的感情经历了起起落落。 Justin and Hailey have experienced ups and downs in their relationship since they began dating in 2015.