伊桑霍克的女儿玛雅 (Maya) 主演了《怪奇物语》,但她不愿与他分享剧透。 Ethan Hawke's daughter Maya, starring in 'Stranger Things', won't share spoilers with him.
演员兼导演伊桑霍克透露,主演《怪奇物语》的女儿玛雅不会与他分享剧透。 Actor-director Ethan Hawke revealed that his daughter Maya, who stars in 'Stranger Things', won't share spoilers with him. 25 岁的玛雅目前正在佐治亚州拍摄该剧的新一季,尽管伊桑尽了最大努力,但她对即将到来的剧情仍然守口如瓶。 Maya, 25, is currently filming the show's new season in Georgia and despite Ethan's best efforts, she remains tight-lipped about upcoming plotlines. 父女二人最近合作拍摄了电影《野猫》,伊桑对玛雅在片场的专业精神表示赞赏。 The father-daughter duo recently collaborated on the film 'Wildcat', with Ethan praising Maya's professionalism on set.