澳大利亚颁布法律,要求电动、混合动力和氢动力汽车安装噪音发生器,以保障视力低下人士的安全。 Australia enacts law requiring noise-makers on electric, hybrid, and hydrogen vehicles for safety of people with low vision.
澳大利亚的一项新联邦法律规定,电动、混合动力和氢动力汽车、公共汽车和卡车均应安装噪音发生器,从而挽救生命。 A new federal law in Australia could save lives by ensuring electric, hybrid, and hydrogen cars, buses, and trucks are fitted with noise-makers. 这对于视力低下、难以听见驶近车辆声音的人来说至关重要。 This is crucial for people with low vision, who struggle to hear approaching vehicles. 随着越来越多的此类车辆上路,听到它们的声音变得越来越困难和危险。 As more such vehicles hit the roads, the issue of hearing them is becoming more challenging and dangerous. 该立法旨在使道路更加安全。 The legislation aims to make roads safer for all.