Allwyn 从 Camelot 手中接管国家彩票后,出台了新的规定,要求 500 至 50,000 英镑的中奖者在 180 天内在网上领取奖金,这造成了延误。 New National Lottery rules by Allwyn after takeover from Camelot require winners of £500-£50,000 to claim online within 180 days, causing delays.
在 Allwyn 收购 Camelot 之后,该公司制定了新的国家彩票规则,导致获奖者领取奖金的时间被延迟。 New National Lottery rules by Allwyn following takeover from Camelot have caused delays for winners collecting their prizes. 以前,获奖者可以从邮局领取大额奖金,但现在必须在 180 天内在线领取 500 至 50,000 英镑的奖金,提供个人信息并将实体票寄送到邮局。 Previously, winners could collect large rewards from Post Office, but now must claim between £500-£50,000 sums online within 180 days, providing personal details and sending their physical ticket to the office. 这导致一些人要等待数周才能拿到钱。 This has led to some waiting weeks for their money.