金山矿业公司 (Gold Mountain Mining Corp.) 立即任命人工智能和 3D 建模专家 Hugh Behroozy 加入其董事会,以支持 Elk 项目。 Gold Mountain Mining Corp. adds Hugh Behroozy, an AI and 3D modeling expert, to its Board of Directors, effective immediately, to support the Elk project.
金山矿业公司 (Gold Mountain Mining Corp.) 将企业家 Hugh Behroozy 加入其董事会,立即生效。 Gold Mountain Mining Corp. adds entrepreneur Hugh Behroozy to its Board of Directors, effective immediately. Behroozy 拥有系统集成、3D 建模和 AI 方面的专业知识,为公司的 Elk 项目提供支持。 Behroozy brings expertise in systems integration, 3D modeling, and AI, supporting the company's Elk project. 作为独立董事和审计委员会成员,他将协助建立预测模型。 As an independent director and audit committee member, he will aid in predictive modeling. 金山矿业专注于不列颠哥伦比亚省埃尔克金矿的开发。 Gold Mountain Mining focuses on the development of the Elk Gold Mine in British Columbia.