宝莱坞女演员 Priyanka Chopra 祝贺表妹 Mannara Chopra 荣获 GQ 颁发的“最具影响力的印度青年”奖。 Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra congratulated cousin Mannara Chopra for winning 'The Most Influential Young Indian' award by GQ.
宝莱坞女演员 Priyanka Chopra 祝贺她的表妹 Mannara Chopra 获得《GQ》杂志颁发的“最具影响力的印度青年”奖。 Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra congratulated her cousin Mannara Chopra for winning the 'The Most Influential Young Indian' award by GQ magazine. 曼娜拉是印度电影界的知名女演员,曾出演过多部泰卢固语和印地语电影,并在 Bigg Boss 17 中获得季军。 Mannara, a well-known actress in the Indian film industry, has acted in several Telugu and Hindi films and was the second runner-up on Bigg Boss 17. 该奖项旨在表彰在各自领域做出重大贡献的印度年轻人。 The award recognizes young Indians who have made significant contributions in their respective fields.