50 岁的小学教师 Fiona Beal 承认谋杀了她的男友。 50-year-old primary school teacher Fiona Beal admitted to murdering her boyfriend.
50 岁的小学教师菲奥娜比尔 (Fiona Beal) 承认谋杀了其 42 岁的男友尼古拉斯比林汉姆 (Nicholas Billingham),并将其尸体埋在北安普敦的花园里。 Primary school teacher Fiona Beal, 50, has admitted to murdering her boyfriend Nicholas Billingham, 42, and burying his body in their garden in Northampton. 比尔最初因失去控制而对较轻的过失杀人罪名表示认罪,但否认谋杀。 Beal initially pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter by reason of a loss of control but denied murder. 警方在2022年3月发现尸体后,她被逮捕。 She had been arrested in March 2022 after the police discovered the body. 审判在老贝利举行,法官确认将于 5 月 29 日开始举行为期两天的量刑听证会,以确定最低刑期。 The trial took place at the Old Bailey, with the judge confirming a two-day sentencing hearing starting on May 29 to determine the minimum term.