Octopus Energy 的发电部门投资了创新型浮动海上风电公司 Ocergy。 Octopus Energy's generation arm invests in Ocergy, an innovative floating offshore wind firm.
Octopus Energy 的发电部门投资了 Ocergy,这是一家创新型浮动海上风电公司,旨在减少建设浮动风电基础的时间和成本。 Octopus Energy's generation arm invests in Ocergy, an innovative floating offshore wind firm that aims to reduce the time and cost of building floating wind foundations. Ocergy 的设计和制造方法有可能使浮动海上风电场的建设更便宜、更快捷。 Ocergy's approach to designing and manufacturing has the potential to make floating offshore wind farms cheaper and faster to build. 这家绿色科技颠覆者已经与十多家主要开发商在数吉瓦的多个项目中展开合作,其首批基础预计将于 2025/2026 年安装完成。 The green tech disruptor is already working with over a dozen major developers across multiple GW of projects, with their first foundations set to be installed by 2025/2026.